Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Marsh Project Week #4

The calm before the chaos.

It was a freezing morning to be outside.  Even though I had on thick wool hiking socks my toes were still cold. Even the critters, for the most part, seemed to have holed up somewhere warmer, with a few notable exceptions- I saw a few deer as I drove to the trailhead parking lot, and even they stood at the edge of the road placidly staring at my car.  A nutria/coypu swam across the marsh; a large flock of unidentified birds flew high in the sky on some undisclosed mission.  The mallards, of course, were out in force.

This is Christmas Eve morning, and today there will be church (twice!) and last minute baking and errands and cleaning (Do we need more eggs? Did I get all the stocking stuffers? Who tracked in mud on the kitchen floor ? Oops, that was me!) until the sun sets, the stores close and the day is done; whatever stage the preparations are in, they will have to be sufficient.

But for now, in the early morning light, there is a quiet stillness as the day begins.

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