Saturday, August 29, 2015

It's a snake!

Cottonmouth Snake

The offspring and I were out enjoying nature today- and we came across this cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus).  It was a proud parenting moment- instead of running away shrieking, the teenager took a picture to share with her friends.  Note for the concerned - we were further away than it might seem, and we were on a bridge. 

Introducing The Mom of No

The "Mom of No" got started several months ago when my son asked me for something, and I said "No".  His response was: "Don't be the Mom of No! Be the Mom of Yes!".  I posted it on my facebook page, and it kind of became a "thing".  So here we are.

A brief introduction: I'm not really a computer person, or even big into technology.  I'm a nature nerd who has a nature- related job.  Therefore, set the bar low in terms of expectations for design, etc.  I have two kids, one of whom is a teenager and one of whom will be a teenager shortly.  They will both tell you that my favorite phrases are "suck it up!" and "that's a sad story". 

Just so that we are all clear on what you can expect from the Mom of No, I disclose the following:

I am not a helicopter parent.  I once went a whole school year and had one conversation with my older child's teacher.  One conversation.  Really, that was all that was needed.  The kid was doing fine.  I told the teacher that I interpreted no phone calls or e-mails as "everything is good", and it was.

The Mom of No feeds her kids hot dogs and food items from chain fast food places. I also provide them with fresh veggies and fruit, but here's the deal- they're teenagers.  They metabolize calories faster than I can get the calories in them. 

One of the Mom of No's children is on the autism spectrum.  He's quite verbal and provides me with a lot of my source material. However, the Mom of No does not really consider herself an "autism mom" or an "autism warrior"  Temple Grandin? Yes!  Jenny McCarthy? I can't even type the name without feeling nauseated.  If you like Jenny McCarthy, the Mom of No is not for you.

The other Mom of No offspring is in marching band. Marching band is like a cult.  Seriously.

The Mom of No likes to hike and take pictures of things like snakes, fungi, dragonflies, birds, moths, butterflies, roadkill raccoons and armadillos.  If snakes or fungi creep you out, the Mom of No is not for you.

When my kids complain about something, there are two responses: "suck it up" and "that's a sad story".

The Mom of No has always worked outside the home.  The whole SAHM-WOHM debate has zero interest.  The last time I breastfed a child was in 2003.  I dumped my last booster seat in 2008.  My youngest child is taller than I am.  I can't remember the last time I changed a diaper.  In summary, if you are looking for cute toddler stories, or anything related to parenting children under the age of 12, this is not the place.

I don't do crafts. I do crochet, but that's not really a craft- that's like sanity-maintaining stress relief. If you are looking for great tips on redecorating a 5 year old's room, asking a person who takes pictures of roadkill raccoons might not be your best move.

The Mom of No does not see parenting as a competitive sport.  My philosophy is that my role is a parent is to get them to the point where they can leave home at 18 and have a decent chance of surviving Out There in the World. 

So, welcome to The Mom of No.